As Christians, we are called to be peacemakers but often times lack the skill set to diffuse conflict when potentially violent situations occur. On Sunday, 150 people gathered together to discuss how to be allies to people of color as instances of hate speech and violence increase all over the country. We hosted three workshops that explored different strategies to disrupt racism. Below are some links to articles, books, and local organizations for folks who would like to take a step to #endwhitesilence and be a peacemaker in today’s political climate.
Force More Powerful, by Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, by Marshall Rosenberg
What Would You Do?, by John Howard Yoder
Dissident Discipleship, by David Augsburger
Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman
Allyship Post-Trump, by Hoda Katebi
The Art of the Protest, by Tina Rosenberg
Calling In/One-on-one Resources, by SURJ-KC
A Comic Guide for Stopping Hate When You See It, by Maeril
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ-KC)
Showing Up for Racial Justice Kansas City (SURJ KC) is a local network organizing white people for racial justice. We are a part of the national SURJ network.
One Struggle KC is a coalition of community activists seeking to harness the energy of Ferguson, Missouri in an effort to connect the struggles of oppressed communities, locally and globally.
Immigrant Justice Advocacy Movement (IJAM)
Our mission is one of mercy and justice for the immigrant community. As people representing a spectrum of faiths, we are united in our affirmation of the innate value of all human beings and their right to be treated fairly and mercifully, regardless of their immigration status.
Communities Creating Opportunities (CCO)
Communities Creating Opportunity exists to discover, develop and direct the power of people to build a better quality of life for their families….we work through our faith values to build community and empower local leaders.
Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity (MORE2)
MORE2 is an interfaith social justice organization…united in our commitment to transforming our communities by creating a metropolitan area that embraces all people, offering them the opportunity to achieve their greatest potential.
Fast food and retail workers from across KC coming together to demand good wages and a voice for low-wage workers.
Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council
We are growing a sustainable, pervasive culture of knowledge, respect, appreciation, and trust amongst people of all faiths and religious traditions in the greater Kansas City community.
To provide a safe, welcoming space where LGBT+ individuals, their families, friends, and straight allies can come for education and resources; and to build a cohesive LGBT+ community in the Midwest.
A local group devoted to assisting the indigenous peoples resisting the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Heartland Coalition Against Gun Violence
A local umbrella group bringing together people and organizations to reduce gun violence in the Greater Kansas City area.
To provide information, support, referrals, advocacy and other services to LGBT survivors of violence including domestic violence, sexual assault, and hate crimes, focusing these services within the Kansas City metropolitan area. KCAVP also educates the community at large through training and outreach programs.
KC Coalition Against Hate Violence
The Kansas City Coalition Against Hate Violence is a coalition of diverse community groups that collectively respond to and prevent hate violence and intolerance in the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area. We work to increase awareness about hate violence, promote the investigation and prosecutions of hate crimes, and recognize and address systemic causes of hate violence in the Kansas City area.
Grandparents Against Gun Violence
This group works to reduce gun violence through education, advocacy and participation in actions to keep children and grandchildren safe at home, at school and in our community.
Veterans For Peace is an international organization made up of military veterans, military family members, and allies. We accept veteran members from all branches of service. We are dedicated to building a culture of peace, exposing the true costs of war, and healing the wounds of war. Our networks are made up of over 120 chapters across the United States and abroad.
SURJ Monthly Mass Meeting: December 19, 2016
SURJ KC’s Solidarity Action Core will be leading our December Mass Meeting. We’ll hear about ways we can engage in solidarity action, discuss what might be preventing us from engaging in solidarity action, and be invited to participate in an action happening in Kansas City.
White Privilege Conference: April 27 – April 30, 2017
Organizing. Strategizing. Taking-Action. Deconstructing the Culture of White Supremacy and Privilege: Creating Peace, Equity and Opportunity in the Heartland.