We believe in a community where everyone belongs, a city where all have the power to pursue their dreams and ambitions, and a people who are committed to each other’s liberation, until all are at the table together. At The Open Table KC, we create space for hospitality, conversation, peace, and reconciliation, and we root our theology in contemplation and liberation. Join us every second and fourth Sunday from 5:30-7:00 p.m. for food, music and conversation.
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At The Open Table, we honor the ideas, perspectives and experiences you bring. Click below to discover opportunities for connection, including small groups, social gatherings, service projects and volunteering to help out at our gatherings. You’re also welcome to communicate your needs, ask a question, or just let us know what’s on your mind.
Across the Americas in the 20th century, priests and theologians looked at Scripture through the eyes of the oppressed, and they rediscovered a gospel of liberation throughout the pages. Join us on October 10th at 6pm as Rev Letiah Fraser and Nick Pickrell lead a conversation about the tenets of liberation theology.
Think + Drink ! A trivia fundraising event on November 6th from 4-7 pm benefitting The Open Table! Join us for an evening of drinks, trivia, and raffle prizes!
Every quarter at The Open Table we like to slow down, take a deep breath and recenter ourselves. Join us for a refreshing, contemplative gathering in the spirit of the Taizé community. It is an intentional time devoted to silence, healing, chants and songs based on Scripture.
During this COVID-19 crisis, we are facing the unknown which is undoubtedly mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausting. Yet, in the midst of this crisis, we have also seen incredible community emerge. People are reorienting what is most important to them as we realize that we need each other now more than ever.
The Open Table hosting our annual Think + Drink ! trivia fundraising event! Due to COVID19, we moved our event online and extendd the raffle to be available to anyone and everyone! We have 32 amazing gifts and prizes for folks to win! To purchase raffle tickets and place your bid, head to the ticket page here.
With ongoing death and loss from the pandemic, racism, financial and housing instability, lack of human connection, and a crucial electoral year, 2020 has given us so much to grieve and has further uncovered the realities of our systemic sickness. The Open Table will be hosting an in-person vigil to allow us to experience our embodied grief together. Join us on 10/25 outdoors for socially distanced stations - come, receive prayer, release woes, and be present with one another. We ask people to wear masks (worn over nose and mouth for the entirety) and only stay for 15-25 minutes to prioritize safety. Come and go between 6-7:30 pm. We will also be streaming this on Facebook Live for those who are not able to attend in person but want to participate in the ritual of mourning and togetherness.
Have we been conditioned to believe that there is only one right way? Have our educational, political, & religious systems influenced this? The phenomenon of living in the era of unfriending and cancel culture and how it relates to those we disagree with, while also actively resisting the fundamentalism that sets in on both the right and left, so that we can work to dismantle white supremacy and embrace the many paths that exist.