The Open Table KC aims to be a community of peace and liberation. We have kicked off our Fall series in which we will take a deeper dive into liberation theology. We recognize just like much of the history we have been taught, much of the theology we have been taught has been from the white male cis gender perspective of those in power. For far too long those with power in society have shaped the sacred narrative in a way that allows them to maintain power and control over people, systems and the way in which God is to be understood. 

Voices like Gustavo Gutiérrez in Latin America and James Cone in the United States invite us to understand that the message of Jesus as one that preferenced the poor, challenged unjust systems and cares about our lives here on earth, not just in the New Creation. Join us on the journey of liberating our theology. 

This is our prayer as we explore liberation theology;

God who remembers, 

They think we will forget, We cannot. Thank you for being a God who keeps account of every evil thing. A God who calls us toward habits of memory for both death and liberation. Forgive us for how we’ve discarded and diminished the evils of the past as some fractured endnote to the book of American glory. Help us to remember all that made us, that the beneficiaries of injustice and exclusion would look in the mirror and be unable to perceive their reflection apart from those dark histories that have placed them in front of that particular mirror in that particular neighborhood. Help us to remember those ancestors from whom this land was taken and those whose backs were broken to build up a fortune and society that would never embrace them. How long will the arms of death and injustice see themselves as heroes? It seems that whiteness alone can never be trusted to tell its own story. Have mercy and hand us the pen. Amen.

  -black liturgies

Come join us on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 6-7:30 PM. Our next gathering is on October 24th 


Celebrate The Open Table
